A joint initiative of Plant-for-the-Planet USA & Mexico

Current Episode

On the way into the jungle
The time has come: Jenny, Lucy and Yuki are heading into the jungle. There they want to plant trees with the Plant-for-the-Planet team. But it's not quite as easy as the girls thought. There are obstacles on the way to the jungle. And once they get there, there's still a lot of work to do. But see for yourself!
Plant Trees Save Turtles
Why sea turtles are at risk of extinction and planting trees could help save them?
Yucatan Peninsula is the habitat of sea turtles. The human made global warming leads to higher temperatures. The hotter the sand, the less males can make it. No males lead to limited reproduction and the danger of going extinct. End of story? No: We can do something about this.
Yucatan Peninsula is the best place to see how. It is a simple idea that can help to save not only sea turtles - but finally us and the future of our families and life on earth in total. Plant-for-the-Planet fights for the ecological balance of this world with the restoration of forests.
Restoration is one of the few possibilities to stop the rise of the world's climate. Now. This can be expressed by a simple formula: Plant trees. Save turtles - and save us. And you can do that.
Plant Trees - Save Turtles is a joint initiative of Plant-for-the-Planet USA & Mexico.
Donate now and Plant trees through Plant-for-the-Planet US.

You donate to Plant-for-the-Planet US, a 501(c)(3) charity based in Sacramento, California, USA, which provides you with a tax-deductible donation receipt in the USA.
Who we are

Hi there!
I am Lucy, 16 years old and I live with my twin sister Jenny in a small village in Germany.
My very favourite animal is still my dog, Bootsmann, although sea turtles are a close second. I am the technical brain of the group and love to cut all the videos that we produce!
This project gives me the opportunity to give back to nature and preserve my home, not only for the time that I am here but for all the generations to come as well! I love going on long walks with my sister and our dog in the beautiful woods that surround the village. The thought that they might disappear soon makes me really sad, so I want to make change!
However, one funny thing about me is that my friends all claim I can't sing, but the odd thing is that I really believe I can.
Welcome to the Plant Trees -Save Turtles family!

My name is Yuki, I am 20 years old and I live in Berlin.
I have always been confronted with the consequences of climate change, as I was part of Fridays for Future. Plant Trees- Save Turtles The project gives me the chance to take practical action against the rising temperatures. Emphasising the importance of trees and how they will help us create a cleaner world and ultimately save several species of animals is my mission!
Of course, planting trees is a good exercise, but I enjoy doing different kinds of sports as well.
A funny thing about me is that I stepped on the first tree I planted
Welcome you to our Plant Trees - Save Turtles family!

My name is Jenny. I am 16 years old and live in a little town in Germany.
I do this project together with my twin Lucy. I've been interested in climate change for a long time, so when I was offered the chance to join the project, I wanted to do it right away. I want to protect nature not only because I love my dog but also because of the beautiful forests where we always go hiking together.
Aside from this project, I'm a passionate reader. Right now, I'm reading Jane Austin's "Persuasion," which is the greatest book ever!
One fun fact about me I am super unfunny and laugh about unfunny videos and bad jokes.
Welcome to Plant Trees—Save Turtles family!